Monday, October 24, 2016


What kinds of things brighten up your day?  In my life there are a variety of things, particularly involving the family members I live with.  There can be all kinds of things with my wife and/or our daughter that I take delight in.  Some of them are perhaps expected and others are things that seem to happen with a complete and surprising randomness. 

An example of the first variety could be my wife simply asking about my day.  It is something she does often but there is something about the meaning in why she does it that lifts me inside.

And our daughter, the last of our children living at home, frequently does things that are unexpected and doubly delightful.  There is the delight in the moment itself, and then again as my wife and I share whatever it was with each other.

This morning, as I read Psalm 119, other delightful moments came to mind.  In verse 74 the psalmist writes,

"Those who fear you shall see me and rejoice,
   because I have hoped in your word."

This brought to mind moments of fellowship with other Christians, moments where underneath whatever was going on in the moment was a bond that existed because we had a common faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.  Our hope is in the same place, the word of God that teaches us truthfully of salvation in Christ, and so it is this common bond that causes us to rejoice in each other's presence.

This morning the verse brought back memories of several prayer groups I was a part of while we lived in Minnesota and the joy of having some time set aside for prayer with other Christians.  And now, late in the day and with this evening's community youth ministry activities wrapped up, I think in particular about one young man who closed the evening in prayer.  An elementary school-age child, with so much of life ahead of him, but seeing in the words of his prayer that he is already learning to stand firmly on the unfailing word of God.

May you hope in the word of God, and rejoice in the fellowship of other Christians.

Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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