Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Solid Ground

I don’t know how things are where you live but here on the reservation and in New Mexico there seems to be heightened anxiety over COVID-19. In mid-March the state closed all public schools and at the same time our congregation stopped gathering for worship. The leadership of the Jicarilla Apache Nation put some guidelines into effect on the reservation, including wearing face masks, limiting groups sizes and instituting a curfew.

Abut six weeks ago there was community-wide testing, which identified the first active cases. There was a second round of testing and later this week there will be a third round. I believe the total number of cases has increased from just a few to 40, as of this morning. My understanding is that every tribal business is operating with the barest possible work crew, as people are encouraged to stay home as much as possible. Last week our washing machine died and I traveled to Santa Fe to pick up the replacement. It was a more inconvenient trip than going to Farmington, but Farmington is a “hot zone” for COVID-19. Robin packed me a lunch, I made two stops for gas, and only had personal contact with other people at the store, where everyone was wearing a mask and keeping their distance.

This afternoon I was reading Psalm 18, where in verse 36 David writes:

“You gave a wide place for my steps under me, and my feet did not slip"

The whole psalm is testimony from David about the safety, protection and care that he knows in God. Verse 36 gave me pause in light of the pandemic. The various restrictions we have been living with have been going on for nearly four months. Some have been put in place by governments and some we are living with because they seem to make sense in the present circumstances. 

As July was beginning I was hopeful that come August we would make a significant move closer to “normal” for our church. But here, less than a week later, even a single step towards normal seems to be more elusive. As much as I long to gather with and preach to the congregation I’ve been called to serve the “seemingly-never-ending-circumstances-of-the-pandemic” don’t change the truth that David speaks in this psalm, especially the truth of verse 36. 

David speaks in the past tense. God gave him a wide place. His feet did not slip. But having faith in Jesus we can see that David was not only looking back, but also pointing forward. When you have faith in Jesus your place with God is certain. You are standing on a wide place right now. Your feet will not slip. Ever.

It is a truth you can find in other parts of the Bible as well, perhaps most clearly and emphatically in Romans 8. I think God for reminding me of it today through Psalm 18.

No matter what may be going on in your life right now, be it the pandemic, an emergency or crisis, or just the slow grind of hardship that never seems to lessen, know that by faith in Jesus you are always standing on solid ground.

Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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