Tuesday, October 29, 2013


We are in Denver for a few days.  I am attending a seminar on discipleship, while my wife and daughter are checking out the museums.  On Monday I was free during the morning so we all went to the Denver zoo.

In packing for the trip I checked the weather forecast, which seemed like a reasonable thing to do.  I looked at the forecast for the three days we would be gone and packed appropriately.  Appropriately for running, that is. I mostly paid attention to what the early-morning weather would be and packed the right clothes for running at that time of day.  I had packed a few long-sleeved shirts to wear to the seminar and my fall jacket, figuring that would be okay for the reminder of the day.  Turned out not to be a good plan. 

On the day we went to the zoo the temperature barely made it to 40 and it was damp all day, with an occasional mist in the air.  I had the wrong clothing for the weather.  I was cold every time we were outside, and particularly so whenever a breeze kicked up.  I tried to be a good sport but whenever I had the chance I had my hands in my pockets or tried to get indoors.  The only times I felt comfortable were when we were inside the car and had the heat turned up.

I was experiencing a persistent sense of restlessness, physically, and it made me think, as so many things do, theologically. 

Last Sunday our church celebrated the Lord's Supper.  I had prepared for about 60 people and it was a surprise to find out that as we served the congregation the amount of bread and juice I had ready was not quite enough for those present.  We quickly worked out a solution and were able to serve the sacrament to all who were gathered for worship.  

The Lord's Supper is a physical reminder of God's covenant promise to hold his people firmly, in life and in death.  The act of chewing the bread and tasting the juice is, for me, a reminder that amidst all in life that makes me restless, particularly the things that pull at my emotions and spirit, God's presence and promises remain sure. 

And in his son, Christ Jesus, he has promised to hold me as his own, forever.  It is a promise I can remember in each restless moment, knowing he is bringing a rest that will never end.  And it a promise he holds out for you too.

Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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