Few years ago I read the book Heaven
is for Real. I wrote about it
for one of my earliest blog posts, which you can read here. I was not a fan of the book and its premise,
i.e. that we can know heaven is for real
because of the testimony of a four year-old who went there and was able to come
back and tell us all about it.
Disclaimer one: I have nothing against four year-olds. I have been the parent and grandparent of a
number of delightful children of that age.
The problem I have with the premise of people making trips
to heaven and then coming back to tell us what it is like is that I believe that
the Bible gives us more than enough evidence of heaven's reality and purpose.
This is true if the author is a four year-old, or an adult, such as Don Piper,
author of 90
Minutes in Heaven, which I have also read. There are a number of other books in this
genre. I have read two. I don't intend to read anymore. I think it is good read some things that a
person likely won't agree with and in this case two has been an adequate ample
Disclaimer two: I am ordained and serve as the pastor of the
Jicarilla Apache Reformed Church, Dulce, NM.
In practical terms this means that I pastor a small mission church on a reservation. Theologically I am aligned with the Reformed
tradition of the Protestant family tree.
In addition to my Bible I rely on the Heidelberg
Catechism, the
Belgic Confession and the Canons of
Dort when sorting out things theologically.
So, why should I write on Heaven is for Real a second time?
Because the book has been turned into a movie that is being released in
mid-April, and a few questions were tossed my way that led to a different
reason for why I hold something that seems so well-intentioned in rather low
In general terms what these kinds of books and movies claim to offer
their readers and viewers is compelling evidence of the reality of heaven. They show the goodness and the beauty. They show reunions with people we knew in
life who have gone before us in death.
Those people we loved so dearly and long to see again? We are assured that we will see them and be happily reunited. In the end all will be well. So the books and
movies would have us believe.
The Bible, by comparison, can seem a bit dry. Glimpses of heaven are rare. Those people we loved so dearly are not
present in the Bible stories. The books
and movies stir the desires of our hearts for a sense of peace about the end of
our life. The Bible versions of heaven…not
so much, so it would seem.
Have you ever read C.S. Lewis' The
Screwtape Letters? It is a collection of radio talks Lewis gave during
World War II. In the talks a senior
devil, Screwtape, gives counsel to his apprentice, Wormwood, in the various ways to lead a
particular person away from God.
Virtually any tactic is fair game for the devils, and often something
subtle is believed to be just enough to get the job done. (I haven't read this for a while, so I am
working from my memory of the book. I do
recommend it highly.)
I am not meaning to say that Heaven is for Real, 90 Minutes
in Heaven, or any of the other similar books are Satanically-driven books, purposely written in order to turn people from God.
I think that the authors of both books were basically well-intentioned
in what they set out to do.
But what I do believe about these kinds of books is that
they have the potential to subtly turn our attention to what seems to bring
peace to our hearts and minds, and that they do this by taking our hearts and
minds off of the One who is the only one who truly brings peace.
The fundamental difference between the version of heaven in
these books and the accounts in the Bible is that in the Bible, God, on His throne,
is the dominant character. He is the
focal point of attention at all times.
He receives the worship and glory that is rightly His alone.
The books and movies about heaven seem to show God as more
of an ancillary character, which diminishes the glory that He rightly
deserves. That may not be the intent of
the authors or actors but it is certainly the effect. It is the logic of Screwtape, applied to our
So go to the movie or read the book and enjoy what you will
of them. But do so with this thought in
mind: "We must recognize that the
Bible tells its own story infinitely better than anyone else can tell it –
Hollywood included. "
Those are the words of Albert Mohler, from his review
of Noah, another recent movie with a
biblical motif. Given that our
reservation is 90 miles from the nearest theater it is unlikely that I'm going
to "go there."
Scripture quotations
are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by
Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All
rights reserved.